Noah Michael

Friday, July 28, 2006

Clipper and Sadie

Another one of my favorite activities is to walk next door to our neighbor Mary's house and feed her two miniature horses. Kim and Al our other neighbors are nice enough to let us walk across their yard so we can get close to the horse pen (isn't it pleasant to have nice neighbors?). Clipper and Sadie have gotten used to our little visits and come eagerly to the fence for their carrot treats. When Mommy asks me if I want to go visit Clippy and Sadie I run to the fridge so that we can get the carrots out of the fridge. As we're feeding the horses I make little "horsie" noises. Once the carrots are gone Sadie is out of there. But Clipper hangs out hoping for more and sometimes we pull up some green weedy grass to feed him as well. The hard part is that after awhile Mommy wants to go home and play in our front yard so we can spend some time with Shasta and Hana, but I just want to stay and watch the horsies!


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