Noah Michael

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I know it has been awhile since I've posted. There are several reasons for this. One of these is that I just won't sit still long enough for anyone to take a picture (or at least long enough for a decent picture). Plus I have been very busy. I spent one afternoon at Grandpa Will and Karen's house playing while Mommy worked and Daddy went out with a friend. We had a great time and I hope Mommy and Daddy bring me back soon so we can play (and hopefully get some pictures). Another weekend Daddy took me to this huge mall and we had a good time shopping - he even bought me a Sesame Street phone toy. I am so lucky to have such a great Daddy who spends so much time with me. And of course Mommy takes me to my baby class every week. Now that we are bigger we even get to play outside. Mommy tried to take some pics last week but once again I was too busy for her to get any good shots. Then Grandpa Mike came and took care of me while Mommy and Daddy actually went out for an evening. Grandpa did a great job - he even had to feed me dinner, change my diaper, give me a bath, and put me to bed- and Grandma Susan wasn't even there to help! Last but not least Grandpa Will and Karen came to visit me this last weekend so Daddy could get some much needed yard work done while Mommy was at work. We went for a walk and played hard as you can see from this photo taken after they left. I am such a lucky boy to have so many people wanting to play with me :)


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