So I've been "tagged" by baby
Levi for my first meme (and what exactly is a meme anyways?). So here goes.....
3 things that scare me:
1. Toys that move or make noise without warning like my dumptruck or tumbling Tigger
2. When Mommy or Daddy isn't right by my side in a strange place
3. Falling down for any reason
3 people that make me laugh:
1. Mommy
2. Daddy
3. Just about anyone else - do I really have to choose between Grandpa Mike, Uncle Mitch, and Aunt Kathy - to name a few
3 things I love:
1. Cars, cars, cars
2. Cats
3. Playing with water
3 things I hate:
1. Going to the doctor
2. Blowing my nose/having my face cleaned
3. Green vegetables
3 things I don't understand:
1. Why I can't play in the dog's water bowl
2. Why I have to eat green vegetables
3. Why my Mommy is so short
3 things on my desk/table (or high chair):
1. Cheerios
2. Car
3. My lovie - a cat puppet
3 things I'm doing right now:
1. Walking and running everywhere
2. Trying to feed myself using silverware
3. Teething
3 things I want to do before I die:
1. See the world
2. Pet lots and lots of cats
3. Have my own car
3 things I can do:
1. Turn the lights off (but not on because I'm not tall enough to reach)
2. Flush the toilet (over and over and over again)
3. Feed Clippy and Sadie carrots
3 ways to describe my personality:
1. Determined
2. Cautious
3. Cuddly
3 things I can't do:
1. Blow my nose
2. Get food to stay on that silly plastic fork (how about some real utensils Mommy?)
3. Fall back asleep in my crib after being taken out of the car "dead asleep"
3 things I think you should listen to:
1. I rather enjoy Mommy's bad singing
2. The "Little Potato" song (thanks for sharing Levi!)
3. 80's tunes
3 things I think you never should listen to:
1. Negative people
2. Crazy neighbor Gary
3. Leaf blowers
3 absolute favorite foods:
1. Cheese
2. Strawberries
3. Tofu sauted in butter and oyster sauce
3 things I'd like to learn:
1. How to open the front door
2. How to open the sliding door
3. How to drive my own car
3 beverages I drink regularly:
1. milk
2. water
3. vanilla soy milk
3 shows I watced as a kid:
1. Calm Baby
2. Whatever bits and pieces I can manage to sneak in when someone else is watching (usually The Daily Show, O'Reilly, or Mad Money)
3. On vacation Mommy and Daddy let me watch Thomas the Train!
3 babies I tag:
Jack (although they are in the process of moving so it might be awhile before he can reply!)
2. I know lots of other babies, but not any with a blog - but if Lily, Melody, Zach, or anyone else want to reply let me know :)