Noah Michael

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sippy Cups and Straws Are For Drinking???

This has been an eventful week. I've been cruising around on two legs a lot more (although I still crawl around a lot as I can move a lot faster that way). And then at my one year checkup Dr. L was talking to Mommy and Daddy about less bottles, more solids and eventually no more bottles (gasp!). So this week Mommy has been trying to encourage me to drink from sippy cups. Now I like sippy cups like the next guy - but come on - we all know that they are really made so that we babies can throw them around all over the place. Why work hard to get liquid from a cup when you can guzzle from a bottle? I'm no dummy! As the various types of sippy cups have started to accumulate on the counter I heard Mommy muttering something about me being as stubborn as she is! Well one thing I do like is straws. Do you know that you can blow lots of bubbles in the milk and make them start to spill out of the cup? WHAT? Straws are for drinking???? Hmmmmm, we'll have to see about that one!


  • You are an adorable little boy, and I hope some day soon you can meet your younger cousin, Levi. I don't know if one room can hold so much cuteness!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/11/2006 11:27 PM  

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